Hire talented developers,
trained by devs you know

Sign up for our Talent Newsletter and fill your talent pipeline with local developers with hands on experience in the tech stack you use trained by local software developers.

Our graduates work for great companies

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Why our students rock

We think our students are the best junior developers you can hire.

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Verified hands on experience

Our students build custom projects and commit to Github from day one. They are supervised 1-on-1 and receive code reviews on a weekly basis.

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They love their province

A lot of our students come to us with the goal of being able to stay and work in their home province. So you can be sure that they will only help your employee retention plans.

Trusted external reviews

Every student we consider "hireable" has reviews by all the software developers that have worked with them.

Mature professionals

Most of our students have already worked in fields such as engineering, hospitality or science. They bring with them a variety of interpersonal and professional skills.

Trained on the stack you use

We are constantly in touch with the local tech ecosystem to learn what stack is currently the most used right now, and that is the stack our students are most familiar with using.

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All put in a newsletter

Join and receive reviews of our students ready to be hired.

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The Talent Newsletter

The newsletter is a monthly review of our current students that we consider the most hireable based on their acquired skills. It includes:

Soft Skills Review



List of Instructors

Technologies & Content

Instructor's Recommendation

Student Contact Info

List of hireable students

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can't find what you are looking for? Get in touch here.

What do the students learn during the program?

Each student has a Full Stack Development Outline, but might spend more time in areas they might have a special interest in (such as UI/UX etc.). Our curriculum stack consists of HTML, CSS, JS, React JS, Node JS, MySQL, AWS, Automated Testing, DevOps.

Do you assist in hiring or do I directly contact the student?

We provide the student's contact information in our Talent Newsletter, then it's up to you to reach out the students you want to have a chat with.

Do you have internship or coop programs?

We consider our graduates ready to be hired as full time software developers. However, you can feel free to contact them and negotiate your employment terms with them.

Can I see a list of your past students and their career success?

What is your internal review process? Can I trust it?

Our coaches, who are independent employees at actual startups in NL, rate and review our student's hard and soft skills.

Do the students qualify for SECPAP or other funding?

We have done the hard work for you. In our newsletter, you'll see what sources of funding the students qualify for.

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