Full-Stack Software Development

What does Full-Stack mean?

Every web application, from Google to this simple website, is composed of 3 layers:

  • Front-end: refers to the part the user interacts with. E.g. pages, forms, buttons
  • Back-end: refers to the logic and processing of data behind the scene
  • Infrastructure: refers to the servers, databases, and networks that serve the application

Full-Stack Development refers to building across all these layers, a.k.a. “Stacks”. It’s a very powerful skill set because it enables software developers to create web-based applications independently.

Why do we teach Full-Stack Development?

“Every company is a software company.” 

- Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

Almost every business deals with the web in one way or another. Consequently, being able to develop web applications gives you a broad range of career opportunities. It is no surprise that most tech companies are hiring full-stack developers.

Also, being a full-stack developer allows you to build applications end-to-end by yourself. This is very rewarding and opens up opportunities to contribute as the sole developer in a project or company.

Languages and Frameworks

A full-stack developer can use different programming languages and technologies for each layer. The technologies we have chosen for our program are based on our annual survey of the local tech sector.

Module 1

Intro to Web Dev (Git, Github, VSCode, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

If you already have some programming experience, your coach will review your existing knowledge. They will decide if this knowledge would result in skipping some of the upcoming modules.


2 months (Full-time)
3 months (Part-time)

Career Development

For three sessions, we put the technical skills to the side and look at all the non-technical things you need to have in place when thinking about a tech career. We will chat about job opportunities in tech, the work culture, expectations, how companies hire, and what they look for in applicants. We will also learn how to build our professional network in the tech sector.


3 weeks
Module 3

Front End (React.js)

Modern software companies no longer create front-ends using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While HTML, CSS, and JS are suitable for simple websites, using them to build complex web applications can take forever. Most tech companies use a front end framework like React.js or Angular.js to speed up their front-end development process. During this section, we will build the front end of a moderately complex web application using React.js.


3 months (Full-time)
4 months (Part-time)

Check-in #1

We will review your program progress and career transition efforts during this session. If everything is good, we will move on to the next module.


1 week
Module 4

Back End & Databases (Node.js, Express, SQL, MySQL)

Now that we know how to build the front end, we should learn about back-end development. The back end is where all the software's logic and “thinking” goes. Node.js refers to JavaScript code that runs on the back-end instead of a browser. Express is a popular back end framework that makes it easy to create back-ends using JavaScript/Node.js. In this section, we will continue to build the back end of the web application you have in mind. We will also learn the SQL language to store and load data in MySQL databases, further adding functionality to your web app.


3 months (Full-time)
4 months (Part-time)

Check-in #2

Another check-in to ensure you are on the right track!


1 week
Module 5

Automated Testing & Basic DevOps

An important skill set for aspiring developers is testing their code automatically without clicking here and there. This section will cover the various ways of testing your application automatically using code! 

We will also dabble a little into “development operations” or DevOps. We will learn how to automate certain tasks using CI/CD pipelines. In modern companies, this is the responsibility of DevOps Engineers. It differs from the regular software development role of adding/fixing features and focuses more on processes, tools, and best practices. You may find that you are more interested in this path than in general software development.


1 month (Full-time)
2 months (Part-time)
The Last Session

Job Search and Interview Training

We teach you how to identify opportunities, apply for jobs and do interviews. We will ensure you are on the right track with your career search before concluding the program.


1 week

Job Hunting Period

Job hunting is unpredictable. It could take weeks or months. Numerous factors play into how long it will take to land a job, from things you can control (portfolio quality, interviewing skills, number of jobs you apply to) to things you cannot control (financial markets, job openings, pure luck). 

Similar to 100% of our graduates, you will find a job if you follow our instructions.

While you don't have any formal sessions, you can still chat with your coaches, participate in our group events and learn from the community. If you have any questions or concerns about your career search, we are here to help.


Success Rate: 96%
Duration: Average of 45 days

After Landing a Job

As a graduate of Get Coding, you are a lifelong member with access to our online community, events, webinars, and so on. Stay connected with other students and coaches. Maybe one day, not too long from today, you become a coach yourself and help others make the journey that you successfully completed.


Average 2 months